Resolved core enhancements for Wiki update (2536 matches)

Closed tickets, type enhancements, resolution fixed, on all core components except internal presets and internal map paint style, for which we do not maintain a wiki page.


Show under each result:

Results (501 - 1000 of 2536)

1 2 3 4 5 6
Ticket Summary Priority Modified Reporter Keywords
#17765 [Patch] Move code for error "Area style way is not closed" to UnclosedWays normal 7 months GerdP
#17746 [Patch] Detect invalid MapCSS search expressions normal 5 years GerdP template_report
#17727 allow lines for natural=bay normal 5 years mkoniecz template_report
#17724 [PATCH] Allow DataSet merges without merging the Bounds normal 5 years taylor.smock
#17718 [PATCH] Make it easier to add specially treated relations to SplitWayCommand normal 5 years taylor.smock split way command
#17688 add "restore tag" to History key/value menu normal 4 years Polarbear-j history, restore tag
#17684 Confusing error message for wikipedia tag normal 5 years GerdP template_report
#17683 RemoteControl Zoom Select maintain specified order of selection normal 4 years EdLoach
#17676 unwanted entries in imagery menu normal 5 years Klumbumbus
#17669 [PATCH][RFC] tag() in validator.mapcss should allow placeholders normal 11 months taylor.smock template_report mapcss
#17668 uses TLS certificate not supported by JOSM yet normal 5 years stoecker
#17656 Do not run "information" level checks if not wanted normal 5 years GerdP performance
#17655 The tag shop=boat is unknown from JOSM and creates a false error. normal 5 years zorglubu template_report
#17654 [Patch] Notify users of viewport following activation normal 4 years MelioraCogito Viewport Following
#17644 Power=plant and generator:*= should not be on same element normal 5 years Gazer75 power
#17643 recommend migrating from barrier=embankment to man_made=embankment normal 4 years mkoniecz template_report barrier man_made embankment
#17639 relation-editor: invert color of icons when line is selected normal 4 years MKnight
#17634 Reject uploads that do not follow comment/source upload policy normal 4 years Don-vip upload comment source policy terms
#17633 complain about even more descriptive names and propose to delete them [PATCH] normal 4 years mkoniecz name
#17630 building:part=* and building=* on the same element makes no sense normal 5 years mkoniecz template_report building
#17629 complain about more descriptive names and propose to delete them [PATCH] normal 4 years mkoniecz template_report
#17623 Complain about junction=yes with highway=* normal 5 years mkoniecz template_report
#17621 update links to external history (changeset/object) viewer normal 5 years anonymous template_report history
#17616 Add new functions to to find distances between primitives normal 5 years taylor.smock
#17607 [PATCH] handling `construction:highway` normal 20 months mkoniecz template_report construction
#17606 [Patch] piste:type validation improvement normal 3 years yvecai piste, ski
#17604 raise addr:street together with addr:place to warning level normal 5 years Klumbumbus
#17594 tracktype=grade2 with surface=sand is always wrong normal 5 years mkoniecz template_report highway track tracktype grade surface sand
#17593 warn about sport=football normal 5 years Klumbumbus sport football
#17592 tracktype=grade1 with surface=unpaved is always wrong normal 5 years mkoniecz template_report
#17567 rephrase warning for role location_hint in restriction relation normal 5 years GerdP template_report
#17554 Stronger warning with keys ending with a number normal 5 years naoliv
#17547 For places tagged as populated places gnis:Class="Populated Place" tag is useless [PATCH] normal 5 years mkoniecz template_report usa gnis import
#17546 Report uses of improbable Unicode blocks in OSM tags normal 5 years Don-vip unicode block
#17544 support optional `browse/` in osm url at open location [half patch] normal 5 years Klumbumbus
#17531 [PATCH] Update .classpath for eclipse minor 5 years taylor.smock eclipse
#17530 Complain about ele values with decimals normal 5 years GerdP
#17527 replace shop=fashion with shop=clothes normal 5 years mkoniecz template_report shop fashion clothes
#17526 [Patch] Search action dialog: New tooltip and more translations normal 5 years Hb--- i18n english tooltip search
#17521 Complain about invisible characters (unicode bidi control) in tags normal 5 years mkoniecz template_report unicode bidi control character
#17516 Add compatibility with Java 13 normal 3 years Don-vip java13
#17515 one more generic name: АГЗС for amenity=fuel, 1100+ uses normal 5 years mkoniecz amenity fuel name a3c
#17512 Add osmarender:nameDirection to automatically discarded tags minor 3 years mkoniecz
#17506 [Patch] Display languages in alphabetical order normal 5 years GerdP template_report
#17504 consider is_in:continent for automatic dropping or validator warning with autofix removal normal 4 years mkoniecz template_report is_in
#17501 [PATCH] Detect if a oneway in a relation may be going in the wrong direction normal 5 years taylor.smock relation direction
#17498 [patch] Complain about bicycle="no" and cycleway=(something positive) normal 3 years Famlam bicycle, cycleway
#17496 AutoFilter: infer sensible default values for layer normal 4 years derickson.e@… autofilter
#17486 warn about addr:housenumber without number [patch] normal 5 years Klumbumbus housenumber
#17484 warn about type=associatedStreet in germany normal 5 years Klumbumbus territory germany
#17482 remove building:ruian:type tag where it duplicates building tag normal 5 years mkoniecz template_report
#17475 [Patch] Validator should mark obsolete type=associatedStreet relations normal 5 years GerdP
#17471 complain about name=АЗС on amenity=fuel normal 5 years mkoniecz amenity fuel name a3c
#17469 Validator: add shortcut to zoom/move to next issue normal 5 years bagage template_report
#17457 Drop data depended tool tip from SelectedMembersForSelectionAction minor 5 years Hb--- gui i18n english tooltip
#17448 [patch] Same buttons in Upload Selection as in other upload dialogs normal 5 years Hb--- gui i18n upload selection
#17443 GPX layer: Download from OSM along this track is slow normal 5 years GerdP template_report GPX
#17440 Confusing code normal 5 years GerdP
#17431 Improve readability of code regarding OsmDataLayer.validationErrors and ValidatorTreePanel normal 5 years GerdP
#17419 [Patch] Own labels for Select mode and Zoom mode buttons minor 5 years Hb--- i18n english mode
#17402 complain about leisure=nature_reserve on nodes normal 5 years mkoniecz template_report
#17391 complain about unreasonably narrow highway=pedestrian normal 5 years mkoniecz template_report
#17383 add a deprecated tag rule (man_made=cooling_tower, natural=waterfall) normal 5 years anonymous
#17380 Add translation en_CA normal 4 years Hb--- i18n english canada
#17379 add more deprecated tag rules (footway / sauna) normal 5 years anonymous amenity leisure sauna footway sidewalk
#17377 Complain about shop=yes normal 5 years mkoniecz template_report shop
#17371 [PATCH] add combination checks based off KeepRight and Osmose normal 5 years abalosc1
#17370 [PATCH] add deprecated tags from Osmose checks normal 5 years abalosc1 sotmfr2019 osmose
#17345 [PATCH] ValidatorDialog: Ignore button should be disabled sometimes normal 5 years GerdP
#17344 ValidatorDialog: Right click on the titlebar always shows all buttons enabled normal 5 years GerdP
#17343 ValidatorDialog: Validation button should be disabled for empty layer normal 4 years GerdP
#17342 [Patch] ValidatorDialog: Lookup button needs improvement normal 5 years GerdP
#17333 [Patch] Show last used tags in Add Tag Dialog normal 5 years GerdP template_report
#17323 [Patch] Duplicate tooltip "Show preset search dialog" minor 5 years Hb--- English l18n
#17310 Disable "Download as new layer" button and do not hide it normal 5 years Hb--- layer download gui
#17305 Complain about boundary=administrative and landuse=residential tagged on the same area normal 5 years mkoniecz template_report
#17302 Long delay when validator shows "Updating ignored errors" normal 5 years GerdP performance
#17297 False positive: Unknown property value - Value 'reformed' for key 'denomination' is unknown, maybe 'reform' is meant? normal 5 years AnkEric denomination
#17296 [PATCH] If there is a fixme and the fixme value is also a tag, we should ask if the fixme is fixed normal 4 years taylor.smock mapcss fixme
#17291 [Patch] improve handling of return code 404 in multifetch api normal 5 years GerdP performance
#17286 remember state of minimized docked panels normal 5 years MKnight template_report
#17270 Improve History (Ctrl+H) when multiple objects are selected normal 4 years GerdP template_report history
#17268 [PATCH] There should be a method to clear ignored errors normal 5 years taylor.smock validation, ignore, errors
#17237 Save/Save As: Poor error handling with write protected files normal 5 years GerdP template_report
#17233 Remove class TagChecker.CheckerData? normal 5 years GerdP
#17225 Support Key:interval normal 5 years simon04 public transport, interval
#17221 Option to display layer numbers normal 4 years naoliv layer
#17220 Some improvements related to imagery offsets in LayerListDialog normal 4 years naoliv offset
#17202 InputMapUtils: display Ctrl+Enter in action tooltips normal 5 years simon04
#17192 [Patch] Show actual path to preferences.xml and other directories used by JOSM normal 5 years GerdP
#17178 Add missing help buttons normal 4 years simon04 help
#17177 [WIP PATCH] Add support for Mapbox Vector Tile major 3 years Don-vip mvt mapbox vector tile
#17170 [Patch] Migrate TagInfoExtract.groovy to Java normal 5 years simon04 groovy
#17131 [Patch] mapcss should have the ability to get the distance to a gpx track normal 5 years taylor.smock mapcss
#17130 Complain about area:highway on open ways and nodes normal 5 years mkoniecz template_report
#17119 [Patch] Improve rendering time of partly visible complex shapes normal 5 years GerdP template_report performance
#17100 complain about descriptive names and offer to fix them normal 4 years mkoniecz template_report
#17095 [Patch] slow JOSM when map style uses fill-image normal 5 years jumat@… template_report performance
#17083 Create jlink / jpackage native runtimes major 3 years Don-vip java11 javafx webstart jlink jpackage windows macosx
#17062 Add Taiwan Government Root CA certificate normal 4 months Don-vip https ssl tls certificate taiwan
#17060 Support Internationalized domain names normal 5 years Don-vip idn dns network
#17055 [Patch] Validator should complain about simple typos in tag values normal 4 years GerdP template_report
#17054 slippy map in the download dialogue should not default to the non-standard imagery provider "Mapnik" minor 5 years aseerel4c26 download imagery
#17053 MapCss stop loading rule on unknown instruction normal 5 years frodrigo osmose france mapcss
#17052 [PATCH][RFC] Support saving the TODO list content in the session file (requires changes to core) normal 6 months naoliv
#17050 [Patch] Refactor the GeoImageLayer and related to use a Data class with a selection listener normal 5 years francois2
#17035 Validator: Improve progress monitor normal 2 months GerdP template_report
#17028 [Patch] Improve performance of some validator tests normal 5 years GerdP template_report
#17026 [Patch] Validator should not complain about reg_name without name normal 4 years GerdP template_report
#17024 Disable or hide "Download as new layer" button when there are no layers normal 5 years Zverikk layer download
#17022 Enhance Validator for "Missing attribute - Railway crossing without railway=level_crossing" normal 5 years Rainero
#17021 [Patch] Missing index for MapCSSTagChecker rules normal 5 years GerdP performance
#17010 Possible multipolygon duplicate test normal 5 years naoliv
#17006 Update of certificates at JOSM startup on Windows is slow normal 5 years GerdP template_report windows certificate security tls ssl https performance startup
#17000 add external call to (graphic) history viewer "" normal 5 years anonymous pewu history
#16998 [PATCH] parent_osm_id should have a parent_osm_ids minor 6 months taylor.smock
#16982 [Patch] small improvement for MapCSSTagChecker normal 5 years GerdP performance
#16965 Ignore some characters in preset search. normal 5 years maxerickson@… search preset character
#16942 [Patch] Poor performance in validator hang when checking complex Multipolygon normal 5 years GerdP template_report performance
#16925 Telecom service device deprecations normal 5 years francois.lacombe telecom,validation,service_device
#16924 Telecom central office deprecations normal 5 years francois.lacombe telecom,validation,exchange,MDF
#16923 Add some optional appdata XML tags normal 5 years anonymous linux appstream
#16919 exclude highway=bus_stop from "Crossing highways" normal 4 years mkoniecz template_report highway bus stop
#16912 Improve plugin features to support JavaFX 11 normal 4 years Don-vip javafx java11
#16891 [Patch] Define custom browser on Windows normal 5 years iman default internet browser windows
#16874 keep the id for the POI if unglueing normal 4 years dieterdreist unglue
#16873 Validator: Treat highway=yes like highway=road normal 6 years GerdP template_report
#16868 Move svgSalamander out of JOSM normal 3 years michael2402 hack-weekend-2018-10 maven ivy dependency svg svgsalamander
#16866 Remove getopt normal 5 years michael2402 hack-weekend-2018-10
#16861 Warn segregated tags without foot/bike access normal 6 years anonymous
#16854 Stability of created primitive IDs normal 5 years Don-vip
#16850 [PATCH] Make overriding `DownloadOsmTask.AbstractInternalTask.createNewLayer()` methods easier normal 6 years floscher
#16839 Increase default timeout on overpass to 65-85s normal 6 years pangoSE timeout overpass
#16837 Add case insensitive to Overpass Wizard normal 6 years pangoSE case insensitive
#16833 use "building:part" in object descriptions normal 6 years mkoniecz template_report building part
#16831 Create road route - 'apply preset' does nothing normal 6 years kennykb template_report
#16816 Add version count to list of deleted nodes in upload-dialog normal 5 years pangoSE version
#16809 [PATCH] SlippyMapBBoxChooser: include tile sources from current layers minor 6 years ris slippymap minimap imagery tilesource layer
#16806 Display a more meaningful error message when saving files normal 6 years naoliv
#16805 Use scalable hi-res desktop icon normal 6 years anonymous icon hidpi windows javabug
#16796 [PATCH] GPX track colors / layer preferences major 3 years Bjoeni gpx, file, color, schema, preferences
#16781 [PATCH] Fix small typos normal 3 years naoliv typo
#16780 auto-closed changesets are reported as open normal 6 years iman close changeset upload
#16755 [Patch] Cut overlapping GPX layers when merging normal 6 years Bjoeni gpx merging
#16723 Display change counts in changeset manager normal 6 years Don-vip changeset
#16709 Display a toast while saving files normal 3 years naoliv
#16707 Warn about overlapping connected buildings normal 4 years naoliv building overlap
#16706 [Patch] zoom to selection should not zoom out for zoom on a node normal 5 years dieterdreist zoom to selection,zoom
#16702 Speed up OSM wiki help using MediaWiki API normal 5 years simon04 wiki help performance
#16698 Slow performance in filters normal 6 years naoliv performance filter
#16695 Should not ignore remarks from overpass normal 6 years naoliv
#16687 Display tag languages in italic normal 6 years naoliv
#16682 New plugin features to support JavaFX 11 normal 5 years Don-vip plugin javafx java11
#16681 [Patch] Various enhancements for GPX correlation normal 6 years Bjoeni gpx, correlate, geoimage, image mapping, tag
#16572 [Patch] Conversion options for tags GPX -> OSM normal 6 years Bjoeni gpx conversion tags
#16546 Support Overpass API JSON format normal 6 years Don-vip overpass api download json
#16528 golf=bunker create warning by using node normal 6 years rza31
#16510 [Patch] Ctrl + A (Select all) is slow normal 6 years GerdP performance select
#16499 Support GDPR-compliant OSM extracts normal 6 years chenzero@… template_report changeset geofabrik gdpr
#16498 Add compatibility with Java 12 normal 5 years Don-vip java12
#16494 Download dialogue: Download as new layer option could be a button instead normal 5 years wulfmorn download
#16471 Add .nmea filter minor 6 years StephaneP nmea gpx
#16464 Complain about internet_access:fee combined with internet_access=no normal 6 years mkoniecz template_report
#16453 Support other keyboard layouts than QWERTY/AZERTY for ReorderImageryLayers action normal 6 years Don-vip keyboard
#16437 JOSM validation "missing tag - alternative name without name" is false positive for [lock_name=*] normal 6 years AnkEric lock_name
#16430 Add validation rule encouraging man_made=street_cabinet instead of location=kiosk normal 6 years francois.lacombe street_cabinet kiosk
#16420 [PATCH] Introduce Apache IVY for dependency management normal 4 years wiktorn ivy
#16394 JOSM validate "Way end node near other way" is false positive for [natural=tree_row] minor 6 years AnkEric natural tree row
#16357 Should use the imagery names in English in source normal 6 years naoliv upload changeset source i18n
#16343 [Patch] Overpass dialog: Allow multiple wizard buttons to be registered normal 6 years michael2402 overpass download wizard
#16320 increase contrast of delete icon normal 6 years aceman contrast icon
#16311 Increase the default memory to 2G normal 6 years the_redburn memory
#16310 [PATCH] check for duplicate addresses normal 6 years Luzandro address
#16301 Add filter and icon for map types normal 4 years stoecker
#16300 [PATCH] don't warn for intermittent on basin and reservoir normal 6 years kre3d
#16288 Detect similar i18n strings minor 6 years Don-vip i18n
#16255 [Patch] Possibility to edit roles in relations from the tag/membership window normal 4 years yopaseopor
#16249 [PATCH] Imagery definitions refactor major 6 years wiktorn wms wmts endpoint
#16242 JOSM validation, suggested warning: "way with bicycle=no is part of a bicycle route relation". normal 6 years AnkEric
#16229 Update Overpass API Rambler server normal 6 years Zverikk overpass
#16227 Always quote plugin name in error messages trivial 6 years jidanni
#16220 filtering to show installed plugins normal 4 years richlv
#16215 Korean translation major 6 years stoecker korean i18n
#16214 Provide autofix to remove completely useless area=yes (useless both as a tag and as indicator of real issues) from inner multipolygons ways minor 6 years mkoniecz template_report
#16204 Sandbox mode normal 6 years Don-vip icedtea web security
#16201 [Patch] Simplify calculation of SVG size in ImageProvider minor 6 years floscher
#16192 Settings sorted normal 5 years wulfmorn sort settings
#16189 [PATCH] Introduce almost square check for buildings. major 6 years marxin square angle building
#16188 [PATCH] Add support for crossing of residential areas with something. normal 6 years marxin Klumbumbus
#16163 Right To Left support for input boxes normal 3 years iman RTL bidirectional arabic
#16159 [Patch] SVG versions of icons minor 6 years floscher svg icons
#16158 Enhance keyboard consistency on macOS normal 3 years dieterdreist CTRL command key macos keyboard javabug
#16107 Language tags minor 6 years Wulfmorn tags, country codes, gui
#16103 Add map type definition to XML normal 6 years stoecker
#16085 Copy values from history dialogue normal 6 years hjart history tag copy
#16081 Improve selection of projections by EPSG code normal 6 years Don-vip projection epsg code
#16055 Validator wrong message, "artwork_type without tourism=artwork" normal 6 years dieterdreist artwork
#16050 Transform to a more user friendly message. minor 6 years anonymous template_report html
#16048 Generate HTML5 javadoc normal 6 years Don-vip html5 java9 java10
#16047 Add compatibility with Java 11 normal 5 years Don-vip java11
#16044 Autofix invalid URL with the wrong type of slashes normal 6 years anonymous url
#15988 WMTS, directly open used in .jos file normal 6 years Allroads wmts session
#15987 Open External Pages in an External Browser normal 6 years Hb--- help
#15966 Allow seeing more lines in the Imagery Preferences tables trivial 6 years jidanni
#15954 move validator strings before imagery in Launchpad normal 6 years aceman
#15950 Preferences Help button should go directly to selected Preferences tab Help page minor 6 years jidanni help
#15946 Add "reset" buttons to Opacity, Colorfulness, Gamma, Sharpness sliders normal 4 years jidanni layer slider opacity
#15939 Say what kind of WMS URL verification you are asking for trivial 6 years jidanni
#15934 add a mouseover, "This map only shows the outline of the area where the selected imagery is valid" trivial 6 years jidanni
#15933 Allow copying imagery URLs trivial 6 years jidanni
#15931 Add a preference to use external browser instead of the Help Browser minor 4 years jidanni help browser
#15918 Confusing English texts normal 4 years Hb--- i18n english
#15915 code for esri projections should be ESRI:NNNN normal 6 years bastiK projection esri epsg
#15889 'spelled like' operator normal 5 years maxerickson@…
#15888 Add changeset link to upload confirmation popup normal 6 years Claudius changeset upload link notification
#15883 [PATCH] Zoom on element when double-clicking on elements of upload window normal 6 years bagage
#15877 roof:color <-> roof:colour / building:color normal 6 years rza31 color colour deprecated mapcss
#15869 JOSM doesn't know Persian numbers normal 6 years anonymous Persian Farsi digit validator number similar-names
#15832 [Patch] Opacity slider needs legend minor 5 years jidanni opacity layers visbility
#15828 Allow copypasting author from author window minor 6 years anonymous
#15824 [Patch] Display some information when we are not uploading to the standard server normal 5 years naoliv
#15817 [Patch for size units] Imagery Preferences: show Limit and Current Usage all on one page minor 5 years jidanni
#15816 Add .xz additional to .bz2 which gets replaced more and more by xz normal 6 years stoecker xz compression
#15815 Unexpected "Overlapping ways" warning on overlapping indoor rooms normal 5 years OSMDoudou template_report overlap indoor room
#15805 Warn and fix water=tidal normal 6 years naoliv
#15804 Warn for water=salt normal 6 years naoliv
#15800 detect common issues in JOSM overpass queries, like overpass turbo normal 6 years mkoniecz template_report overpass
#15798 download gpx from HOT Tasking Manager 3 not possible normal 6 years Athalis template_report hot tasking manager
#15760 route/forward/backward/alternate roles in PTv2 routes should be validation errors minor 6 years ftrebien template_report
#15742 [PATCH] PluginHandler.installDownloadedPlugins: check downloaded plugin is valid *before* we delete any existing one normal 6 years ris download corrupt plugin jar delete
#15734 Icon and Shortcut checker warnings normal 6 years stoecker
#15719 provide autofix for replacing single comma by point for several numeric tags normal 6 years mkoniecz template_report comma decimal separator
#15713 Add mod-tile-features="true" in the Maps XML normal 6 years Don-vip
#15711 [PATCH] Vizualize imagery layers with non-zero offsets normal 5 years skorbut offset
#15710 unify new layer checkbox text normal 6 years Klumbumbus i18n
#15705 [PATCH] Make columns in AddTagsDialog sortable normal 6 years skorbut
#15704 [PATCH] Keep order of tags added by 'addtags=' query parameter normal 6 years skorbut
#15701 [PATCH] CorrelateGpxWithImages: Test newGpsData, speed, elevation, gpsTime set by matchGpxTrack() minor 6 years holgermappt
#15694 [PATCH] Remember confirmations of command actions normal 6 years george-hopkins
#15690 Extract error message when fetching a tile from a Tomcat server normal 6 years Don-vip wms tomcat
#15676 [PATCH] New keyword 'currentselection' for parameter 'select' in LoadAndZoom handler normal 5 years skorbut
#15675 Power transformers on pole validation rule normal 6 years francois.lacombe power, transformer, pole, validation
#15673 Add a direct tile link and/or a way to request the calculation of a tile (dirty) normal 6 years vinber
#15667 Validator oneway <-> waterway normal 4 years rza31 waterway oneway
#15666 Display "Abstract" field of WMS layers normal 6 years Don-vip wms
#15664 Drop area=yes from closed highway=services|rest_area normal 6 years naoliv highway area
#15651 Option to disable automatic insertion of "hashtags" normal 6 years naoliv hashtag
#15646 Better phrase for incomplete way nodes minor 6 years naoliv i18n
#15645 Should offer a way to fix objects with invalid characters normal 5 years naoliv
#15642 Warn for restriction=* in ways normal 6 years naoliv
#15628 Support HTML code in GPX descriptions normal 4 years FrankOverman template_report html gpx locus
#15606 [patch] export relation to GPX file or convert to a new GPX layer (e.g. for further editing such as simplify way) normal 6 years cmuelle8 export gpx relation route superroute
#15598 [patch] handle double click in ChildRelationBrowser and ReferringRelationsBrowser the same way normal 6 years cmuelle8 relation browser doubleclick gui handling
#15572 Render layer contextual menu icons with the same size minor 6 years Don-vip icon layer menu
#15569 warning text in Preferences -> Connection Settings should be revised due to HTTPS being the default trivial 5 years aseerel4c26 https preferences usability
#15560 Add compatibility with Java 10 normal 6 years Don-vip java10
#15537 Changeset hashtags normal 6 years Don-vip changeset hashtag upload
#15532 [PATCH] Use HTTPS to communicate with OSM dev servers normal 6 years naoliv https api
#15531 Option to see the traffic between JOSM and OSM servers normal 6 years naoliv
#15525 Add parent_osm_id for mapcss normal 6 years Ialokim <ialokim@…> mapcss
#15505 Update com.drew.metadata sourcecode to current GitHub code normal 6 years naoliv
#15502 Subject: [PATCH] ImageEntry: Copy isNewGpsData in applyTmp() minor 6 years holgermappt
#15498 Load folders containing pictures in separate layers normal 3 years StephaneP picture
#15497 Missing pedestrian crossing information on highway=crossing node normal 6 years mkoniecz template_report
#15493 Imagery Offset dialog positioning improvement normal 6 years pinkduck adjust,imagery,offset,dialog,position
#15488 Display SubSecTimeOriginal on picture's information overlay normal 6 years StephaneP picture,SubSecTimeOriginal,exif
#15481 Silence FileNotFoundException minor 7 years naoliv console log
#15479 [PATCH] Include meters as a valid unit for distance minor 7 years naoliv
#15478 [PATCH] Warn about unconnected highway=milestone normal 6 years naoliv
#15477 Suggest to simplify payment:coins + payment:notes to payment:cash normal 6 years naoliv
#15476 [patch] Antialiased text and better resize quality when viewing photos normal 5 years naoliv picture photo resize quality geoimage antialiasing
#15474 [PATCH] Include WhoDidIt in changeset history normal 6 years naoliv changeset
#15464 [PATCH] Allow plugins to modify the changeset tags before upload normal 7 years rorym tags, changeset, upload
#15463 layer=0,5 gives "layer should be between -5 and 5" normal 7 years mkoniecz template_report
#15452 [patch] More details are needed for "Tag value longer than allowed" normal 6 years naoliv
#15441 Display GPX route points (rte) as another layer normal 3 years naoliv gpx route
#15439 Suspected Validator bugs & cleanup normal 7 years nyurik
#15436 Store cache data of plugins in cache location normal 7 years bastiK plugin
#15414 [PATCH] Redesign of SlippyMapBBoxChooser's SourceButton normal 7 years ris jmapviewer slippy source button
#15397 Make toolbar buttons of JCheckBoxMenuItems reflect toggle state normal 3 years ris toggle menu toolbar button
#15369 [PATCH] download area display in SlippyMapBBoxChooser normal 6 years ris SlippyMapBBoxChooser download area OsmDataLayer paint
#15368 Button that selects the relation from relation editor normal 7 years Polyglot relation editor select
#15348 [PATCH] Include OSMCha in history viewer normal 7 years naoliv osmcha changeset
#15341 Display the line number of wrong MapCSS rule normal 7 years naoliv mapcss
#15335 Add most basic examples for Add Node trivial 7 years jidanni
#15334 [Patch] Use BasicArrowButton in MapFrame minor 4 years simon04
#15327 [PATCH] small cleanup and "fix" for CreateCircleAction normal 7 years naoliv
#15310 The Great Deprecation Cleanup normal 6 years Don-vip deprecation
#15298 Use rpm return value instead of localized message normal 7 years jirislaby@…
#15274 [Patch] Support URLs with other protocol than `http` or `https` for plugin sites normal 7 years floscher
#15273 extend command line interface: commands normal 7 years bastiK
#15269 Complain about bare tourism=attraction normal 6 years mkoniecz template_report tourism
#15240 transform gui icons to svg major 4 years Klumbumbus svg png icon ex-longterm
#15232 Allow user to request feedback when saving normal 4 years Don-vip feedback changeset tag review upload
#15228 Support missing Overpass Turbo extended shortcuts normal 7 years GerdP template_report overpass api turbo
#15226 [PATCH] support for compiling without JavaFX normal 6 years ris build ant javafx optional
#15211 Don't warn when bridge=yes is used in combination with man_made=goods_conveyor normal 7 years GerdP template_report
#15208 validator warning when route=bicycle uses bicycle=use_sidepath ways normal 6 years Polyglot
#15199 Allow bridge:movable when man_made=bridge is present normal 7 years midgard bridge movable
#15188 Make ESRI a default imagery normal 7 years Klumbumbus esri
#15177 Query changesets: Make JMultilineLabel clickable minor 7 years Binnette accessibility changeset
#15167 [Patch] Download Dialog: UI cleanup major 7 years bafonins download dialog overpass osm
#15148 Home location - too much data to load normal 7 years kocio template_report
#15141 Overpass Download - HTTP 414 Request-URI Too Long normal 7 years mmd overpass download http get post
#15139 raster-image filter settings are Not Stored when saving session (color Saturation, Brightness, Sharpness) normal 7 years markus_brd@… raster image filters not saved stored to session
#15110 [patch] Disable audio actions when no audio is present normal 7 years bafonins
#15107 [Patch] Check runways,aerodromes for missing tags in validator normal 5 years maxerickson@… runway aerodrome
#15097 Validator should flag ferry routes which are not connected to a highway=* or man_made=pier normal 7 years GerdP ferry routes
#15095 Split out or reorder imagery names in the JOSM translation file on Launchpad minor 7 years aceman i18n
#15089 [Patch] UploadDialog: bind Ctrl+Enter to upload action normal 7 years simon04 upload shortcut
#15057 [Patch] Overpass dialog: UI cleanup for history and wizard normal 4 years bafonins mirrored_download, overpass, download
#15051 Add help button to "Search for Objects by Preset" normal 4 years jidanni search preset help focus traversal
#15036 [PATCH] Add provinces of China and India to data/boundaries.xml normal 6 years westnordost boundaries, geocoding
#15035 Suggest to mappers via the UI (or a validator warning) that adding data at (0,0) is probably an error normal 7 years SomeoneElse2
#15013 Remember projection after restart normal 7 years Polarbear-j projection regression
#14989 support direction for viewpoints normal 6 years stefan@… direction viewpoint
#14950 validator doesn't show error if way isn't tagged properly normal 7 years muzirian template_report
#14929 Automatic filters on numeric tag values major 7 years Don-vip sotmfr indoor mapping level layer maxspeed voltage
#14923 [patch] JOSM search by preset in the search dialog normal 7 years bafonins
#14916 Remove "Toggle GPX Lines" menu entry normal 7 years michael2402 gpx
#14901 restrict plugin classpath normal 7 years bastiK plugins
#14877 make projection setting transient normal 7 years bastiK projection
#14858 "Similarly named ways" Should also detect names with accent and case variations normal 7 years naoliv
#14856 multipolygon relations for waterways, do not show relation type minor 5 years dmgroom multipolygon relation waterway name
#14840 [patch] Add separation borders to search screen minor 7 years jidanni search
#14833 [PATCH] Selectively added details to data/boundaries.xml minor 7 years westnordost boundaries, geocoding
#14825 Support WMTS Dimensions normal 7 years Don-vip wmts dimension
#14807 Validation check for "highway without reference" should consider noref tag. normal 7 years gokehufu
#14789 Toolbar presets text should contain group name as an option. Now is always displayed and clutters toolbar. normal 7 years dido
#14786 [Patch] Test for proper "ele" values normal 7 years naoliv ele
#14779 Review warning message for highway=road normal 7 years naoliv
#14756 Download dialog should also parse URLs which dont contain "#map=" minor 7 years gormo download, URL, map
#14704 Add possibility to export validator warnings and errors normal 7 years Polyglot export json xml osmose
#14701 [Patch] Copying relations needs Yes/No confirmation normal 4 years mboeringa relation duplicate confirmation
#14696 Help Browser cannot be resized normal 4 years jidanni help
#14666 [patch] Autoresize Tags/Memberships table to fit content? normal 5 years bagage template_report
#14652 Remove Let's Encrypt certificate normal 6 years Don-vip certificate lets encrypt root ca
#14591 preselection in searchmenu dont work on first click normal 4 years MKnight template_report search
#14590 WMTS: Show layer title, not layer identifier in layer selection dialog normal 7 years bastiK WMTS
#14578 [Patch] Use osmhv as external history viewer normal 7 years jengelh@… history changeset
#14576 [patch] Add snapcraft.yaml normal 7 years mvogt linux snap
#14572 Don't index MultipolygonCache by NavigatableComponent normal 7 years michael2402 MultipolygonCache
#14562 [PATCH] automatically load tms tile from lower zoom level if current zoom level doesn't provide tiles normal 6 years Klumbumbus template_report
#14536 [PATCH] Improved ExifReader.readTime(), Refactored ImageEntry.extractExif() minor 7 years holgermappt exif
#14485 [Patch] MapCSS sorting speed normal 6 years michael2402 mapcss performance
#14462 Add "edit" to context menu in relations list normal 5 years nyurik edit relation context menu
#14458 Selection window should sort in order: [relations, ways, nodes] normal 7 years nyurik selection dialog sort
#14455 Use <java> instead of <exec> to run javacc normal 7 years michael2402 ant
#14434 Option to zoom to overpass query results normal 4 years Stereo
#14425 [patch] Improve Wikipedia tag validators normal 7 years nyurik ,wikipedia
#14424 Check that validation autofix works as expected normal 5 years nyurik
#14422 [PATCH] Dynamic NTV2 grids normal 6 years Don-vip ntv2 grid jar linux debian ubuntu projection
#14395 Add building attached to road as a validation warning normal 7 years awiseman
#14381 Update to opening_hours v3.5.0 normal 7 years ypid23 opening_hours
#14374 [PATCH] TagConflictResolutionUtil : automatic tag conflict resolution major 7 years Tyndare tag conflict resolution tiger cadastre france canada import
#14367 Should not warn for traffic_signals=* normal 7 years naoliv
#14346 [PATCH] Rotation angle for Transverse Mercator projection normal 7 years anonymous
#14343 [Patch] GPS heat map should also support point clouds normal 7 years kidelo gps track, rendering, colormap, visualization
#14322 possibility to remove an imagery entry normal 7 years Klumbumbus
#14310 "addr:postcode=*" used on a "place=*" shouldn't be suspicious minor 7 years overflorian
#14288 Verify for improper usage of type=multipolygon in nodes and ways normal 7 years naoliv type multipolygon
#14256 Warn for aeroway=aerodrome|helipad + area=yes normal 7 years naoliv
#14253 Highlight affected relation members in validation warnings normal 5 years naoliv relation role member
#14247 Change names in heat map combobox normal 7 years anonymous template_report gpx heatmap
#14228 [RFC Patch] Order the members when creating boundaries and multipolygons normal 4 years naoliv relation, member, order, multipolygon
#14224 Jump to position advanced preference normal 6 years west_lake jumpto clipboard
#14197 Option to filter/sort by modified values in advanced preferences normal 4 years naoliv
#14181 [PATCH] GeoImageLayer: Improvements of display of selected photo in map normal 7 years holgermappt
#14179 Duplicated lines in minor 7 years holgermappt
#14176 Use Java 8 Date API (JSR 310): replace Date by Instant? normal 2 years Don-vip date instant java8
#14124 Some string functions in MapCSS normal 3 years naoliv mapcss
#14114 Lack of icon and warning for amenity=social_facility without social_facility=* normal 7 years naoliv
#14103 GPX→OSM: convert additional tags for trackpoints normal 6 years simon04 gpx trackpoint convert
#14088 Add icons to value drop down in adding tag dialog normal 4 years mdk add tag dialog icon
#14082 Remove coordinates from nodes in validator and selection dialogs normal 6 years Klumbumbus template_report
#14056 Add <src> to GPX to OSM data layer conversion normal 7 years Vidar Gundersen gpx
#14043 Error-prone versus PMD on usage of short type normal 7 years Don-vip performance memory
#14032 add created_by information to history view normal 7 years osm@… history created_by
#14030 Preselect 2. property (for add new tag) if first is already used normal 7 years MKnight template_report
#14025 Merge layers is too slow normal 7 years naoliv performance
#13982 Wrong Links to OSM Website If Different API Is Used minor 7 years Nakaner
#13980 Tell Mac OS X we don't always need a dedicated graphics card normal 7 years Stereo macosx performance
#13961 Print HTTP response body in console in case of error code normal 7 years francois.lacombe api, http, error, console, log
#13956 [Patch] Possible memory optimization with presets cache normal 7 years Don-vip performance memory
#13949 add 2016 Orthophotos City Bern - WMS or TMS? normal 7 years Klumbumbus
#13948 [Patch] Validator seems to hang in last executed test normal 7 years GerdP performance
#13933 [Patch] Simplify QuadBuckets and improve memory footprint normal 7 years GerdP performance
#13932 Move some specific tests to country/regional rules normal 7 years naoliv
#13923 [Patch] Select the relation instead open ends with "Multipolygon is not closed" normal 7 years naoliv
#13922 Option to not zoom to the new downloaded data normal 7 years naoliv zoom download
#13913 [Patch] Update commandline usage normal 7 years simon04 usage i18n
#13890 "Upload selection" slow with deleted objects (too many API calls) normal 5 years Adrian template_report performance upload selection
#13889 Make preset searchs ignore accents normal 6 years naoliv
#13880 [PATCH] AbstractTileSourceLayer: Allow additional layer context menu entries normal 5 years holgermappt
#13879 warn about values of tracktype other than grade1|grade2|grade3|grade4|grade5 normal 6 years Klumbumbus
#13877 Warn about waterway=canal as areas normal 7 years naoliv waterway canal
#13872 Optionally allow OAuth signing of all API requests normal 4 years zerebubuth@… oauth bandwidth limit
#13813 Provide bbox coordinates in an easier to use format normal 4 years naoliv
#13805 improve progress bar of validator normal 4 years Klumbumbus template_report
#13804 a bit more grouping in the validator tree normal 5 years Klumbumbus grouping
#13799 Use builder pattern for TestError normal 7 years simon04 refactoring
#13795 Can't flush cache with local TMS layer normal 8 years naoliv
#13785 [patch] refactoring bits to use streams + unit tests associated trivial 8 years alno datasets, streams
#13777 Allow to select text in some message boxes normal 6 years naoliv timeout
#13767 Asynchronous initializations for more reactive UI normal 7 years simon04
#13752 warn about housenames looking like housenumbers normal 8 years Klumbumbus
#13749 Opening individual tracks from<Username>/traces/ normal 8 years Aun Johnsen <lists@…>
#13748 focus in the "coordinates" field when adding a node normal 8 years richlv
#13745 [Patch] Changeset manager: allow to download objects from a changeset normal 8 years simon04
#13743 [Patch] Draw segment order numbers on selected way normal 8 years simon04
#13722 layer should not get the "show" checkbox disabled based on visiblity slider state normal 7 years aseerel4c26 layers visbility
#13717 [Patch] GPX->OSM: convert additional gpx-tags normal 7 years Luebeck gpx icon tags
#13703 enable mouse wheel scrolling to move layer visibility sliders normal 7 years aseerel4c26 template_report layers visbility scrolling
#13694 Display UTM zone and letter in object info panel normal 6 years naoliv projection utm zone
#13687 [Patch] Use CachedFile class for /data/help-browser.css in HelpBrowser class normal 8 years sebastic debian jar resource
#13682 Discard converted_by? normal 8 years naoliv discard converted_by tag
#13680 Check for golf=bunker && natural=beach normal 8 years RicoZ golf bunker natural beach sand surface
#13674 Possible enhancement in coordinates when adding/moving a node normal 8 years naoliv
#13668 [Patch] Simplify ImageEntry#extractExif? normal 8 years simon04
#13664 Open selected note in an external browser normal 8 years simon04
#13492 Fix errors is very slow normal 5 years GerdP Performance Fix-Error
#13483 [Patch] Exclude .svn directory from Checkstyle processing normal 8 years GerdP Checkstyle Windows
#13467 Add a new DataSelectionListener and use it to manage the selection. normal 6 years michael2402 gsoc-core
#13458 display external resources icons in the preferences normal 5 years Klumbumbus icon
#13454 [Patch] Memory leak in MapView normal 8 years GerdP
#13447 [Patch] Clean notification manager, merge properties and remove unneded action. normal 8 years michael2402 gsoc-core
#13442 [Patch] Use lock downgrade during endUpate() normal 8 years michael2402 gsoc-core
#13439 [Patch] Node.toString() and Way.toString() causing performance problems normal 8 years GerdP performance
#13434 [Patch] Increase bug report test coverage. normal 8 years michael2402 gsoc-core
#13430 [Patch] Allow paste of OSM links normal 8 years michael2402 gsoc-core
#13429 [Patch] Clean validator tree and use listener to find changes normal 8 years michael2402 gsoc-core
#13424 Remove unneccessary isChanged flag. normal 8 years michael2402 gsoc-core
#13423 [Patch] Convert properties cell renderer to new color preferences. normal 8 years michael2402 gsoc-core
#13415 [Patch draft] Introduce ILatLon and make Node implement it. normal 7 years michael2402 gsoc-core
#13413 [Patch] Clean ImproveWayAccuracyAction normal 8 years michael2402 gsoc-core
#13412 [Patch] Clean up DrawAction, add StrokeProperty. normal 8 years michael2402 gsoc-core
#13408 [Patch] Clean up CustomProjection normal 8 years michael2402 gsoc-core projection
#13400 [Patch] More debug info for pasting data normal 8 years michael2402 gsoc-core
#13396 [Patch] improve performance in Renderer normal 8 years GerdP performance
#13394 [Patch] fix some memory leaks normal 8 years GerdP template_report
#13380 Create removeToggleDialog method in MapFrame normal 8 years jgage@… ToggleDialog, removeToggleDialog, addToggleDialog, MapFrame
#13376 Use Java 8 Date API (JSR 310)? normal 7 years simon04 java8 jsr310 performance timestamp
#13361 [Patch] What is the bbox of an incomplete OSM primitive? normal 7 years GerdP
#13360 display item icon in preset window bigger normal 8 years Klumbumbus
#13352 [Patch] Adding a new bug report queue. normal 8 years michael2402 gsoc-core
#13347 [Patch] simplify CrossingWays test normal 8 years GerdP
#13320 use restart text and icon in unsaved changes dialog normal 8 years Klumbumbus template_report
#13319 [Patch] Use InputMapUtils where applicable minor 8 years simon04
#13318 Clean up program startup (parameters, logging) normal 8 years michael2402 gsoc-core
#13317 pressing enter in wizard box should create the overpass query normal 8 years Klumbumbus template_report
#13309 Caching and notifying preferences normal 7 years michael2402 gsoc-core
#13307 [Patch] MultipolygonTest doesn't find some errors normal 7 years GerdP Multipolygon Validator performance
#13306 Make map paint code use double coordinates normal 8 years michael2402 gsoc-core
#13303 [Patch] Fixes for hatched texture normal 8 years michael2402 gsoc-core
#13295 [Patch] improve UnconnectedWays test normal 5 years GerdP
#13291 SVG Salamander has moved to git normal 8 years sebastic
#13289 [Patch] Improve MultipolygonBuilder normal 8 years GerdP MultipolygonTest, performance
#13287 [Patch] Projection updates to support multiple projections normal 8 years michael2402 gsoc-core projection
#13271 [Patch] Make TagCollection count the occurence of tags. normal 8 years michael2402 gsoc-core
#13258 [Patch] Pull benchmark code out of renderer. normal 8 years michael2402 gsoc-core
#13255 [Patch] Document AbstractProjection. normal 8 years michael2402 gsoc-core
#13251 [Patch] Improve multipolygon validator normal 8 years anonymous
#13250 [Patch] JOSM seems to hang after sorting members of a complex relation normal 8 years GerdP Performance Relation Editor
#13240 [Patch] Tests for MapCSS condition class normal 8 years michael2402 gsoc-core performance
#13239 [Patch] Java 8: MapCSS Condition class normal 8 years michael2402 gsoc-core java8
#13237 Should not duplicate layer names in the changeset source normal 8 years naoliv
#13222 [Patch] Use visitor pattern for painting tiles normal 8 years michael2402 gsoc-core
#13217 replace png icons by svg from osm svn source, sort icons and remove duplicates normal 8 years Klumbumbus
#13210 [Patch] Start extracting coordinate conversion out of tile source. normal 8 years michael2402 gsoc-core
#13206 [Patch] Migrate Function interface to java 8 normal 8 years michael2402 gsoc-core java8
#13201 Add geo: URL/URI support normal 5 years simon04
#13198 [Patch] Add new flow layout that does the right height computation. normal 8 years michael2402 gsoc-core
#13196 [Patch] Remove FileDrop class. normal 8 years michael2402 gsoc-core
#13194 How to map a processing basin in a wastewater_plant? Validator and presets are not very helpful. normal 8 years mdk
#13193 [Patch] Use a new bug report dialog. normal 8 years michael2402 gsoc-core
#13192 [Patch] Update LayerPositionStrategy to be a java 8 functional interface. normal 8 years michael2402 gsoc-core java8
#13191 [Patch] Documentation and migration to java 8 of preset code. normal 8 years michael2402 gsoc-core java8
#13190 [Patch] Allow Lambda bug report parameters. normal 8 years michael2402 gsoc-core java8
#13178 [Patch] Fix duppliate put of dx/dy normal 8 years michael2402 gsoc-core
#13176 [Patch] Document ImageryInfo normal 8 years michael2402 gsoc-core
#13175 [Patch] Use invalidation event instead of isChanged() normal 7 years michael2402 gsoc-core
#13174 [Patch] Use invalidate instead of redraw to repaint the layer. normal 8 years michael2402 gsoc-core
#13172 [Patch] Move ImageryLayer.d[xy] to the settings normal 7 years michael2402 gsoc-core
#13171 [Patch] Do not complain for non-existent files during cache cleanup normal 8 years michael2402 gsoc-core
#13169 [Patch] Extract imagery layer settings to new class normal 8 years michael2402 gsoc-core
#13159 [Patch] Move image processors out of imagery layer. normal 8 years michael2402 gsoc-core
#13153 Should not warn to upload/save "modified" layers with 0 objects minor 14 months naoliv api upload
#13138 Warn about water=* without natural=water normal 5 years mdk template_report
#13124 [PATCH] Enhanced GPS data rendering - heatmaps instead of dozens of lines major 7 years transmit-receive gps track, rendering, colormap, visualization
#13120 [Patch] Java 8: Use a new memory manager for imagery layers normal 8 years michael2402 gsoc-core
#13108 .joz file not associated with JOSM on Mac OS X, Windows, Linux normal 4 years Stereo template_report macosx session
#13094 [PATCH] SimplifyWayAction for first node of closed way normal 8 years Tyndare Simplify Closed Way Action
#13086 [Patch] Detect all self-intersecting ways (multipolygons, less common tags, etc.) normal 7 years naoliv
#13085 When downloading from Overpass, a "download area too large" warning is incorrectly displayed minor 8 years SomeoneElse2
#13084 sort out unused icons and move icons from osm svn to josm svn normal 8 years Klumbumbus icon svn
#13082 [RFC][PATCH] Warning for relations with only one member normal 4 years naoliv
#13078 [Patch] Add new listener that fires before first layer is added and after last one is removed. normal 8 years michael2402 gsoc-core
#13072 [Patch] Change missing layer painter action from crash to error message normal 8 years michael2402 gsoc-core
#13049 [Patch] Inform map view of Projection updates normal 8 years michael2402 gsoc-core
#13046 [Patch] Warn if layer calls removeLayer during attachToMapView normal 8 years michael2402 gsoc-core
1 2 3 4 5 6
Batch Modify
Note: See TracBatchModify for help on using batch modify.
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.