// License: GPL. For details, see LICENSE file. package org.openstreetmap.josm.data.imagery; import static org.openstreetmap.josm.tools.I18n.tr; import java.io.IOException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Objects; import java.util.Set; import java.util.TreeSet; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService; import org.openstreetmap.josm.Main; import org.openstreetmap.josm.data.imagery.ImageryInfo.ImageryPreferenceEntry; import org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.PleaseWaitRunnable; import org.openstreetmap.josm.io.CachedFile; import org.openstreetmap.josm.io.OfflineAccessException; import org.openstreetmap.josm.io.OnlineResource; import org.openstreetmap.josm.io.imagery.ImageryReader; import org.openstreetmap.josm.tools.Logging; import org.openstreetmap.josm.tools.Utils; import org.xml.sax.SAXException; /** * Manages the list of imagery entries that are shown in the imagery menu. */ public class ImageryLayerInfo { /** Unique instance */ public static final ImageryLayerInfo instance = new ImageryLayerInfo(); /** List of all usable layers */ private final List layers = new ArrayList<>(); /** List of layer ids of all usable layers */ private final Map layerIds = new HashMap<>(); /** List of all available default layers */ private static final List defaultLayers = new ArrayList<>(); /** List of all available default layers (including mirrors) */ private static final List allDefaultLayers = new ArrayList<>(); /** List of all layer ids of available default layers (including mirrors) */ private static final Map defaultLayerIds = new HashMap<>(); private static final String[] DEFAULT_LAYER_SITES = { Main.getJOSMWebsite()+"/maps" }; /** * Returns the list of imagery layers sites. * @return the list of imagery layers sites * @since 7434 */ public static Collection getImageryLayersSites() { return Main.pref.getCollection("imagery.layers.sites", Arrays.asList(DEFAULT_LAYER_SITES)); } private ImageryLayerInfo() { } /** * Constructs a new {@code ImageryLayerInfo} from an existing one. * @param info info to copy */ public ImageryLayerInfo(ImageryLayerInfo info) { layers.addAll(info.layers); } /** * Clear the lists of layers. */ public void clear() { layers.clear(); layerIds.clear(); } /** * Loads the custom as well as default imagery entries. * @param fastFail whether opening HTTP connections should fail fast, see {@link ImageryReader#setFastFail(boolean)} */ public void load(boolean fastFail) { clear(); List entries = Main.pref.getListOfStructs("imagery.entries", null, ImageryPreferenceEntry.class); if (entries != null) { for (ImageryPreferenceEntry prefEntry : entries) { try { ImageryInfo i = new ImageryInfo(prefEntry); add(i); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { Logging.warn("Unable to load imagery preference entry:"+e); } } Collections.sort(layers); } loadDefaults(false, null, fastFail); } /** * Loads the available imagery entries. * * The data is downloaded from the JOSM website (or loaded from cache). * Entries marked as "default" are added to the user selection, if not already present. * * @param clearCache if true, clear the cache and start a fresh download. * @param worker executor service which will perform the loading. If null, it should be performed using a {@link PleaseWaitRunnable} in the background * @param fastFail whether opening HTTP connections should fail fast, see {@link ImageryReader#setFastFail(boolean)} * @since 12634 */ public void loadDefaults(boolean clearCache, ExecutorService worker, boolean fastFail) { final DefaultEntryLoader loader = new DefaultEntryLoader(clearCache, fastFail); if (worker == null) { loader.realRun(); loader.finish(); } else { worker.execute(loader); } } /** * Loader/updater of the available imagery entries */ class DefaultEntryLoader extends PleaseWaitRunnable { private final boolean clearCache; private final boolean fastFail; private final List newLayers = new ArrayList<>(); private ImageryReader reader; private boolean canceled; private boolean loadError; DefaultEntryLoader(boolean clearCache, boolean fastFail) { super(tr("Update default entries")); this.clearCache = clearCache; this.fastFail = fastFail; } @Override protected void cancel() { canceled = true; Utils.close(reader); } @Override protected void realRun() { for (String source : getImageryLayersSites()) { if (canceled) { return; } loadSource(source); } } protected void loadSource(String source) { boolean online = true; try { OnlineResource.JOSM_WEBSITE.checkOfflineAccess(source, Main.getJOSMWebsite()); } catch (OfflineAccessException e) { Logging.log(Logging.LEVEL_WARN, e); online = false; } if (clearCache && online) { CachedFile.cleanup(source); } try { reader = new ImageryReader(source); reader.setFastFail(fastFail); Collection result = reader.parse(); newLayers.addAll(result); } catch (IOException ex) { loadError = true; Logging.log(Logging.LEVEL_ERROR, ex); } catch (SAXException ex) { loadError = true; Logging.error(ex); } } @Override protected void finish() { defaultLayers.clear(); allDefaultLayers.clear(); defaultLayers.addAll(newLayers); for (ImageryInfo layer : newLayers) { allDefaultLayers.add(layer); for (ImageryInfo sublayer : layer.getMirrors()) { allDefaultLayers.add(sublayer); } } defaultLayerIds.clear(); Collections.sort(defaultLayers); Collections.sort(allDefaultLayers); buildIdMap(allDefaultLayers, defaultLayerIds); updateEntriesFromDefaults(!loadError); buildIdMap(layers, layerIds); if (!loadError && !defaultLayerIds.isEmpty()) { dropOldEntries(); } } } /** * Build the mapping of unique ids to {@link ImageryInfo}s. * @param lst input list * @param idMap output map */ private static void buildIdMap(List lst, Map idMap) { idMap.clear(); Set notUnique = new HashSet<>(); for (ImageryInfo i : lst) { if (i.getId() != null) { if (idMap.containsKey(i.getId())) { notUnique.add(i.getId()); Logging.error("Id ''{0}'' is not unique - used by ''{1}'' and ''{2}''!", i.getId(), i.getName(), idMap.get(i.getId()).getName()); continue; } idMap.put(i.getId(), i); } } for (String i : notUnique) { idMap.remove(i); } } /** * Update user entries according to the list of default entries. * @param dropold if true old entries should be removed * @since 11706 */ public void updateEntriesFromDefaults(boolean dropold) { // add new default entries to the user selection boolean changed = false; Collection knownDefaults = new TreeSet<>(Main.pref.getCollection("imagery.layers.default")); Collection newKnownDefaults = new TreeSet<>(); for (ImageryInfo def : defaultLayers) { if (def.isDefaultEntry()) { boolean isKnownDefault = false; for (String entry : knownDefaults) { if (entry.equals(def.getId())) { isKnownDefault = true; newKnownDefaults.add(entry); knownDefaults.remove(entry); break; } else if (isSimilar(entry, def.getUrl())) { isKnownDefault = true; if (def.getId() != null) { newKnownDefaults.add(def.getId()); } knownDefaults.remove(entry); break; } } boolean isInUserList = false; if (!isKnownDefault) { if (def.getId() != null) { newKnownDefaults.add(def.getId()); for (ImageryInfo i : layers) { if (isSimilar(def, i)) { isInUserList = true; break; } } } else { Logging.error("Default imagery ''{0}'' has no id. Skipping.", def.getName()); } } if (!isKnownDefault && !isInUserList) { add(new ImageryInfo(def)); changed = true; } } } if (!dropold && !knownDefaults.isEmpty()) { newKnownDefaults.addAll(knownDefaults); } Main.pref.putCollection("imagery.layers.default", newKnownDefaults); // automatically update user entries with same id as a default entry for (int i = 0; i < layers.size(); i++) { ImageryInfo info = layers.get(i); if (info.getId() == null) { continue; } ImageryInfo matchingDefault = defaultLayerIds.get(info.getId()); if (matchingDefault != null && !matchingDefault.equalsPref(info)) { layers.set(i, matchingDefault); Logging.info(tr("Update imagery ''{0}''", info.getName())); changed = true; } } if (changed) { save(); } } /** * Drop entries with Id which do no longer exist (removed from defaults). * @since 11527 */ public void dropOldEntries() { List drop = new ArrayList<>(); for (Map.Entry info : layerIds.entrySet()) { if (!defaultLayerIds.containsKey(info.getKey())) { remove(info.getValue()); drop.add(info.getKey()); Logging.info(tr("Drop old imagery ''{0}''", info.getValue().getName())); } } if (!drop.isEmpty()) { for (String id : drop) { layerIds.remove(id); } save(); } } private static boolean isSimilar(ImageryInfo iiA, ImageryInfo iiB) { if (iiA == null) return false; if (!iiA.getImageryType().equals(iiB.getImageryType())) return false; if (iiA.getId() != null && iiB.getId() != null) return iiA.getId().equals(iiB.getId()); return isSimilar(iiA.getUrl(), iiB.getUrl()); } // some additional checks to respect extended URLs in preferences (legacy workaround) private static boolean isSimilar(String a, String b) { return Objects.equals(a, b) || (a != null && b != null && !a.isEmpty() && !b.isEmpty() && (a.contains(b) || b.contains(a))); } /** * Add a new imagery entry. * @param info imagery entry to add */ public void add(ImageryInfo info) { layers.add(info); } /** * Remove an imagery entry. * @param info imagery entry to remove */ public void remove(ImageryInfo info) { layers.remove(info); } /** * Save the list of imagery entries to preferences. */ public void save() { List entries = new ArrayList<>(); for (ImageryInfo info : layers) { entries.add(new ImageryPreferenceEntry(info)); } Main.pref.putListOfStructs("imagery.entries", entries, ImageryPreferenceEntry.class); } /** * List of usable layers * @return unmodifiable list containing usable layers */ public List getLayers() { return Collections.unmodifiableList(layers); } /** * List of available default layers * @return unmodifiable list containing available default layers */ public List getDefaultLayers() { return Collections.unmodifiableList(defaultLayers); } /** * List of all available default layers (including mirrors) * @return unmodifiable list containing available default layers * @since 11570 */ public List getAllDefaultLayers() { return Collections.unmodifiableList(allDefaultLayers); } public static void addLayer(ImageryInfo info) { instance.add(info); instance.save(); } public static void addLayers(Collection infos) { for (ImageryInfo i : infos) { instance.add(i); } instance.save(); Collections.sort(instance.layers); } /** * Get unique id for ImageryInfo. * * This takes care, that no id is used twice (due to a user error) * @param info the ImageryInfo to look up * @return null, if there is no id or the id is used twice, * the corresponding id otherwise */ public String getUniqueId(ImageryInfo info) { if (info.getId() != null && layerIds.get(info.getId()) == info) { return info.getId(); } return null; } }