// License: GPL. For details, see LICENSE file. package org.openstreetmap.josm.data.coor; import static java.lang.Math.PI; import static java.lang.Math.asin; import static java.lang.Math.atan2; import static java.lang.Math.cos; import static java.lang.Math.sin; import static java.lang.Math.sqrt; import static org.openstreetmap.josm.data.projection.Ellipsoid.WGS84; import static org.openstreetmap.josm.tools.I18n.trc; import static org.openstreetmap.josm.tools.Utils.toRadians; import java.awt.geom.Area; import java.text.DecimalFormat; import java.text.NumberFormat; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Objects; import org.openstreetmap.josm.Main; import org.openstreetmap.josm.data.Bounds; import org.openstreetmap.josm.data.coor.conversion.DMSCoordinateFormat; import org.openstreetmap.josm.data.coor.conversion.DecimalDegreesCoordinateFormat; import org.openstreetmap.josm.data.coor.conversion.LatLonParser; import org.openstreetmap.josm.data.coor.conversion.NauticalCoordinateFormat; import org.openstreetmap.josm.tools.Logging; import org.openstreetmap.josm.tools.Utils; /** * LatLon are unprojected latitude / longitude coordinates. *
* Latitude specifies the north-south position in degrees * where valid values are in the [-90,90] and positive values specify positions north of the equator. *
* Longitude specifies the east-west position in degrees * where valid values are in the [-180,180] and positive values specify positions east of the prime meridian. *
* lat/lon *
* This class is immutable. * * @author Imi */ public class LatLon extends Coordinate implements ILatLon { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; /** * Minimum difference in location to not be represented as the same position. * The API returns 7 decimals. */ public static final double MAX_SERVER_PRECISION = 1e-7; /** * The inverse of the server precision * @see #MAX_SERVER_PRECISION */ public static final double MAX_SERVER_INV_PRECISION = 1e7; /** * The (0,0) coordinates. * @since 6178 */ public static final LatLon ZERO = new LatLon(0, 0); /** North pole. */ public static final LatLon NORTH_POLE = new LatLon(90, 0); /** South pole. */ public static final LatLon SOUTH_POLE = new LatLon(-90, 0); /** * The normal number format for server precision coordinates */ public static final DecimalFormat cDdFormatter; /** * The number format used for high precision coordinates */ public static final DecimalFormat cDdHighPecisionFormatter; static { // Don't use the localized decimal separator. This way we can present // a comma separated list of coordinates. cDdFormatter = (DecimalFormat) NumberFormat.getInstance(Locale.UK); cDdFormatter.applyPattern("###0.0######"); cDdHighPecisionFormatter = (DecimalFormat) NumberFormat.getInstance(Locale.UK); cDdHighPecisionFormatter.applyPattern("###0.0##########"); } /** * Character denoting South, as string. * @deprecated use {@link LatLonParser#SOUTH} */ @Deprecated public static final String SOUTH = trc("compass", "S"); /** * Character denoting North, as string. * @deprecated use {@link LatLonParser#NORTH} */ @Deprecated public static final String NORTH = trc("compass", "N"); /** * Character denoting West, as string. * @deprecated use {@link LatLonParser#WEST} */ @Deprecated public static final String WEST = trc("compass", "W"); /** * Character denoting East, as string. * @deprecated use {@link LatLonParser#EAST} */ @Deprecated public static final String EAST = trc("compass", "E"); /** * Replies true if lat is in the range [-90,90] * * @param lat the latitude * @return true if lat is in the range [-90,90] */ public static boolean isValidLat(double lat) { return lat >= -90d && lat <= 90d; } /** * Replies true if lon is in the range [-180,180] * * @param lon the longitude * @return true if lon is in the range [-180,180] */ public static boolean isValidLon(double lon) { return lon >= -180d && lon <= 180d; } /** * Make sure longitude value is within [-180, 180] range. * @param lon the longitude in degrees * @return lon plus/minus multiples of 360, as needed to get * in [-180, 180] range */ public static double normalizeLon(double lon) { if (lon >= -180 && lon <= 180) return lon; else { lon = lon % 360.0; if (lon > 180) { return lon - 360; } else if (lon < -180) { return lon + 360; } return lon; } } /** * Replies true if lat is in the range [-90,90] and lon is in the range [-180,180] * * @return true if lat is in the range [-90,90] and lon is in the range [-180,180] */ public boolean isValid() { return isValidLat(lat()) && isValidLon(lon()); } /** * Clamp the lat value to be inside the world. * @param value The value * @return The value clamped to the world. */ public static double toIntervalLat(double value) { return Utils.clamp(value, -90, 90); } /** * Returns a valid OSM longitude [-180,+180] for the given extended longitude value. * For example, a value of -181 will return +179, a value of +181 will return -179. * @param value A longitude value not restricted to the [-180,+180] range. * @return a valid OSM longitude [-180,+180] */ public static double toIntervalLon(double value) { if (isValidLon(value)) return value; else { int n = (int) (value + Math.signum(value)*180.0) / 360; return value - n*360.0; } } /** * Replies the coordinate in degrees/minutes/seconds format * @param pCoordinate The coordinate to convert * @return The coordinate in degrees/minutes/seconds format * @deprecated use {@link #degreesMinutesSeconds} instead */ @Deprecated public static String dms(double pCoordinate) { return degreesMinutesSeconds(pCoordinate); } /** * Replies the coordinate in degrees/minutes/seconds format * @param pCoordinate The coordinate to convert * @return The coordinate in degrees/minutes/seconds format * @since 12561 * @deprecated use {@link DMSCoordinateFormat#degreesMinutesSeconds(double)} */ @Deprecated public static String degreesMinutesSeconds(double pCoordinate) { return DMSCoordinateFormat.degreesMinutesSeconds(pCoordinate); } /** * Replies the coordinate in degrees/minutes format * @param pCoordinate The coordinate to convert * @return The coordinate in degrees/minutes format * @since 12537 * @deprecated use {@link NauticalCoordinateFormat#degreesMinutes(double)} */ @Deprecated public static String degreesMinutes(double pCoordinate) { return NauticalCoordinateFormat.degreesMinutes(pCoordinate); } /** * Replies the coordinate in degrees/minutes format * @param pCoordinate The coordinate to convert * @return The coordinate in degrees/minutes format * @deprecated use {@link #degreesMinutes(double)} instead */ @Deprecated public static String dm(double pCoordinate) { return degreesMinutes(pCoordinate); } /** * Constructs a new object representing the given latitude/longitude. * @param lat the latitude, i.e., the north-south position in degrees * @param lon the longitude, i.e., the east-west position in degrees */ public LatLon(double lat, double lon) { super(lon, lat); } /** * Creates a new LatLon object for the given coordinate * @param coor The coordinates to copy from. */ public LatLon(ILatLon coor) { super(coor.lon(), coor.lat()); } @Override public double lat() { return y; } /** * Formats the latitude part according to the given format * @param d the coordinate format to use * @return the formatted latitude * @deprecated use {@link org.openstreetmap.josm.data.coor.conversion.ICoordinateFormat#latToString(ILatLon)} */ @Deprecated public String latToString(CoordinateFormat d) { return d.getICoordinateFormat().latToString(this); } @Override public double lon() { return x; } /** * Formats the longitude part according to the given format * @param d the coordinate format to use * @return the formatted longitude * @deprecated use {@link org.openstreetmap.josm.data.coor.conversion.ICoordinateFormat#lonToString(ILatLon)} */ @Deprecated public String lonToString(CoordinateFormat d) { return d.getICoordinateFormat().lonToString(this); } /** * @param other other lat/lon * @return true if the other point has almost the same lat/lon * values, only differing by no more than 1 / {@link #MAX_SERVER_PRECISION MAX_SERVER_PRECISION}. */ public boolean equalsEpsilon(LatLon other) { double p = MAX_SERVER_PRECISION / 2; return Math.abs(lat()-other.lat()) <= p && Math.abs(lon()-other.lon()) <= p; } /** * Determines if this lat/lon is outside of the world * @return true, if the coordinate is outside the world, compared by using lat/lon. */ public boolean isOutSideWorld() { Bounds b = Main.getProjection().getWorldBoundsLatLon(); return lat() < b.getMinLat() || lat() > b.getMaxLat() || lon() < b.getMinLon() || lon() > b.getMaxLon(); } /** * Determines if this lat/lon is within the given bounding box. * @param b bounding box * @return true if this is within the given bounding box. */ public boolean isWithin(Bounds b) { return b.contains(this); } /** * Check if this is contained in given area or area is null. * * @param a Area * @return true if this is contained in given area or area is null. */ public boolean isIn(Area a) { return a == null || a.contains(x, y); } /** * Computes the distance between this lat/lon and another point on the earth. * Uses Haversine formular. * @param other the other point. * @return distance in metres. */ public double greatCircleDistance(LatLon other) { double sinHalfLat = sin(toRadians(other.lat() - this.lat()) / 2); double sinHalfLon = sin(toRadians(other.lon() - this.lon()) / 2); double d = 2 * WGS84.a * asin( sqrt(sinHalfLat*sinHalfLat + cos(toRadians(this.lat()))*cos(toRadians(other.lat()))*sinHalfLon*sinHalfLon)); // For points opposite to each other on the sphere, // rounding errors could make the argument of asin greater than 1 // (This should almost never happen.) if (java.lang.Double.isNaN(d)) { Logging.error("NaN in greatCircleDistance"); d = PI * WGS84.a; } return d; } /** * Returns the heading that you have to use to get from this lat/lon to another. * * Angle starts from north and increases counterclockwise (!), PI/2 means west. * You can get usual clockwise angle from {@link #bearing(LatLon)} method. * This method is kept as deprecated because it is called from many plugins. * * (I don't know the original source of this formula, but see * this question * for some hints how it is derived.) * * @deprecated see bearing method * @param other the "destination" position * @return heading in radians in the range 0 <= hd < 2*PI */ @Deprecated public double heading(LatLon other) { double hd = atan2(sin(toRadians(this.lon() - other.lon())) * cos(toRadians(other.lat())), cos(toRadians(this.lat())) * sin(toRadians(other.lat())) - sin(toRadians(this.lat())) * cos(toRadians(other.lat())) * cos(toRadians(this.lon() - other.lon()))); hd %= 2 * PI; if (hd < 0) { hd += 2 * PI; } return hd; } /** * Returns bearing from this point to another. * * Angle starts from north and increases clockwise, PI/2 means east. * Old deprecated method {@link #heading(LatLon)} used unusual reverse angle. * * Please note that reverse bearing (from other point to this point) should NOT be * calculated from return value of this method, because great circle path * between the two points have different bearings at each position. * * To get bearing from another point to this point call other.bearing(this) * * @param other the "destination" position * @return heading in radians in the range 0 <= hd < 2*PI */ public double bearing(LatLon other) { double lat1 = toRadians(this.lat()); double lat2 = toRadians(other.lat()); double dlon = toRadians(other.lon() - this.lon()); double bearing = atan2( sin(dlon) * cos(lat2), cos(lat1) * sin(lat2) - sin(lat1) * cos(lat2) * cos(dlon) ); bearing %= 2 * PI; if (bearing < 0) { bearing += 2 * PI; } return bearing; } /** * Returns this lat/lon pair in human-readable format. * * @return String in the format "lat=1.23456 deg, lon=2.34567 deg" */ public String toDisplayString() { NumberFormat nf = NumberFormat.getInstance(); nf.setMaximumFractionDigits(5); return "lat=" + nf.format(lat()) + "\u00B0, lon=" + nf.format(lon()) + '\u00B0'; } /** * Returns this lat/lon pair in human-readable format separated by {@code separator}. * @param separator values separator * @return String in the format {@code "1.23456[separator]2.34567"} * @deprecated method removed without replacment */ @Deprecated public String toStringCSV(String separator) { return Utils.join(separator, Arrays.asList( DecimalDegreesCoordinateFormat.INSTANCE.latToString(this), DecimalDegreesCoordinateFormat.INSTANCE.lonToString(this) )); } /** * Interpolate between this and a other latlon * @param ll2 The other lat/lon object * @param proportion The proportion to interpolate * @return a new latlon at this position if proportion is 0, at the other position it proportion is 1 and lineary interpolated otherwise. */ public LatLon interpolate(LatLon ll2, double proportion) { // this is an alternate form of this.lat() + proportion * (ll2.lat() - this.lat()) that is slightly faster return new LatLon((1 - proportion) * this.lat() + proportion * ll2.lat(), (1 - proportion) * this.lon() + proportion * ll2.lon()); } /** * Get the center between two lat/lon points * @param ll2 The other {@link LatLon} * @return The center at the average coordinates of the two points. Does not take the 180° meridian into account. */ public LatLon getCenter(LatLon ll2) { // The JIT will inline this for us, it is as fast as the normal /2 approach return interpolate(ll2, .5); } /** * Returns the euclidean distance from this {@code LatLon} to a specified {@code LatLon}. * * @param ll the specified coordinate to be measured against this {@code LatLon} * @return the euclidean distance from this {@code LatLon} to a specified {@code LatLon} * @since 6166 */ public double distance(final LatLon ll) { return super.distance(ll); } /** * Returns the square of the euclidean distance from this {@code LatLon} to a specified {@code LatLon}. * * @param ll the specified coordinate to be measured against this {@code LatLon} * @return the square of the euclidean distance from this {@code LatLon} to a specified {@code LatLon} * @since 6166 */ public double distanceSq(final LatLon ll) { return super.distanceSq(ll); } @Override public String toString() { return "LatLon[lat="+lat()+",lon="+lon()+']'; } /** * Returns the value rounded to OSM precisions, i.e. to {@link #MAX_SERVER_PRECISION}. * @param value lat/lon value * * @return rounded value */ public static double roundToOsmPrecision(double value) { return Math.round(value * MAX_SERVER_INV_PRECISION) / MAX_SERVER_INV_PRECISION; } /** * Replies a clone of this lat LatLon, rounded to OSM precisions, i.e. to {@link #MAX_SERVER_PRECISION} * * @return a clone of this lat LatLon */ public LatLon getRoundedToOsmPrecision() { return new LatLon( roundToOsmPrecision(lat()), roundToOsmPrecision(lon()) ); } @Override public int hashCode() { return Objects.hash(x, y); } @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (this == obj) return true; if (obj == null || getClass() != obj.getClass()) return false; LatLon that = (LatLon) obj; return Double.compare(that.x, x) == 0 && Double.compare(that.y, y) == 0; } /** * Parses the given string as lat/lon. * @param coord String to parse * @return parsed lat/lon * @since 11045 * @deprecated use {@link LatLonParser#parse(java.lang.String)} */ @Deprecated public static LatLon parse(String coord) { return LatLonParser.parse(coord); } }